what is value? This is a family's "favorite wooden spoon," made by an anonymous Haitian*, and sold cheap at an import store. It became the basis for another essay on the value of a wooden spoon, and has become part of this one. The economy of wares: the value of a wooden spoon Ideally, I’d sell wooden spoons and bowls directly, person to person, and the value of a wooden spoon would be common knowledge. Buyers could handle things, see some of the process, chat, sign up for a class, build relationships — and burn less fossil fuel…. In the meantime, however, most folks start by looking for . . .
cob ovens, spoon carving, & other workshops for 2019
May 18-19, cob oven workshop at the Artisan Baking Center in Petaluma California, details hereJune 22-23, cob oven workshop at the Prairie Mountain Folkschool in Joseph, Oregon, details hereAugust 17-18, A two day Greenwood Carving class (from simple to more complex), at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Otis, Oregon, details hereJune & August Greenwood Spoon Carving classes, dates TBA, Corvallis Art center, Oregon, details should be posted here soon!July 21-27 I'll be teaching greenwood spoon-carving at Echoes-in-time, another primitive skills . . .
Spoon Carving w/Lynn Rosetto Kasper on The Splendid Table
This spring, after my first spoon carving class of the season, I got a call from Lynne Rosetto Kasper, of the Splendid Table. She did a show about earthen ovens years ago, but wanted to talk spoons -- Wow! What could be more fun?! I sent her some spoons and a pages of enthusiastic spoon notes... But we needed a fancy sound room to do the interview; it took a few weeks of wrangling to schedule a time w/the folks at Oregon State U. in Corvallis. Ironically, the location was a brand new building called the Learning Integration Center. Tho it's beyond me how they hope to "integrate" . . .