Spoon Carving Workshops: April 29 - May 5, The Buckeye Gathering, I'll be spoon-carving; others will be hide-tanning, fire-making, flint-snapping, and everything else May 8-14, I'll be teaching a full week of greenwood at the post Buckeye pathways event: spoons, bowls, shrink pots, the lathe (foot-powered), decorative and sculptural work, tools, techniques, etc.. There may also be possibilities for tool-making w/Bryce Wood, a great smith who uses simple, minimal technology to make metal tools. June 2-3, two one-day classes at Wildwood View Garden in Portland, $75, Registration and . . .
The Scything Handbook: Learn How to Cut Grass, Mow Meadows and Harvest Grain by Hand
The Scything Handbook is one more on a string of beautiful, helpful (and once common) pearls that can help save us from a debilitating fate as mere "consumers," and restore us to our birthrights as participants in creation. Full disclosure here, I know the author Ian. We're teaching a class together in Oregon this August (info and registration here), and I also wrote the forward to his book, which is brief, clear, and as simple as a clean cut with a sharp blade -- an ideal starting place if you're interested in giving up your stinky, noisy mowing machine and replacing it with an old-world . . .
Hannah’s bread, The Splendid Table
For Hanna's sourdough-bread recipe follow the link: https://www.splendidtable.org/recipes/sourdough-bread . . .