If you can’t find an answer to your question here, in the book, or elsewhere on the site, please feel free to leave a question in the comment section and I’ll get back to you asap (if you scan the comments, you may well find your answer there). I’m delighted to hear from you […]

Wood, food, Bacteria & Nana-tech
People often express concerns that eating off of wood is “unhygienic,” and perhaps even dangerous. I will restrain myself from ranting about how industrialized, commercialized, and commodified culture has turned nature into an evil villain bent on poisoning humanity. Instead, I’ll refer you to the pdf below, a scientific study which compares bacterial survival on […]

The value of a wooden spoon
The economy of wares: the value of a wooden spoon Ideally, I’d sell wooden spoons and bowls directly, person to person, and the value of a wooden spoon would be common knowledge. Buyers could handle things, see some of the process, chat, sign up for a class, build relationships — and burn less fossil fuel…. […]

cob ovens, spoon carving, & other workshops for 2019
May 18-19, cob oven workshop at the Artisan Baking Center in Petaluma California, details here June 22-23, cob oven workshop at the Prairie Mountain Folkschool in Joseph, Oregon, details here August 17-18, A two day Greenwood Carving class (from simple to more complex), at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Otis, Oregon, details here June & August Greenwood […]

Bushcraft weekend – spoons, baskets, fire! Sept 22/23
Sept 22/23: Learn basic bushcraft Carve a spoon from greenwood, weave a cattail basket, make fire. Includes a wood-fired pizza potluck, and whatever other projects we can fit in around the evening fire. Myron Cretney is a regular teacher and inspiration at primitive skills gatherings throughout the west. In addition to cattail and all the […]