May 18-19, cob oven workshop at the Artisan Baking Center in Petaluma California, details hereJune 22-23, cob oven workshop at the Prairie Mountain Folkschool in Joseph, Oregon, details hereAugust 17-18, A two day Greenwood Carving class (from simple to more complex), at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Otis, Oregon, details hereJune & August Greenwood Spoon Carving classes, dates TBA, Corvallis Art center, Oregon, details should be posted here soon!July 21-27 I'll be teaching greenwood spoon-carving at Echoes-in-time, another primitive skills . . .
Bushcraft weekend – spoons, baskets, fire! Sept 22/23
Sept 22/23: Learn basic bushcraft Carve a spoon from greenwood, weave a cattail basket, make fire. Includes a wood-fired pizza potluck, and whatever other projects we can fit in around the evening fire. Myron Cretney is a regular teacher and inspiration at primitive skills gatherings throughout the west. In addition to cattail and all the other things he knows how to do, Myron is really good at teaching friction fire with a hand-drill -- he'll help us light fires, and maybe make traps to catch some of the gophers eating our garden. Kiko Denzer has spent decades teaching various . . .
2018 – Spoon Carving & other Workshops
Spoon Carving Workshops: April 29 - May 5, The Buckeye Gathering, I'll be spoon-carving; others will be hide-tanning, fire-making, flint-snapping, and everything else May 8-14, I'll be teaching a full week of greenwood at the post Buckeye pathways event: spoons, bowls, shrink pots, the lathe (foot-powered), decorative and sculptural work, tools, techniques, etc.. There may also be possibilities for tool-making w/Bryce Wood, a great smith who uses simple, minimal technology to make metal tools. June 2-3, two one-day classes at Wildwood View Garden in Portland, $75, Registration and . . .